Photo journalism

Thursday, March 01, 2007

More Photos

This is a real interesting photo. I think the bills were placed on the cigarettes by using photoshop. They fit perfectly around it. The smoke looks kind of fake but at the same time it looks real.
I'm not real sure now this picture was made but it looks like some photoshop was used. It made it look like the baby was about to eat the turkey at a candle-light dinner.

This one was definately made in photoshop. There's a Peep coming out of what looks like a clock. I think the only thing that's real is the actual peeps. Everything in the background looks like it was photoshopped in.

This picture was made by just the camera. It's a normal picture with no weird things going on.

I think this one was made "in the camera" because there's nothing special about it. It just has a low shutter speed to give the statue a ghostly looking affect.


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