Photo journalism

Thursday, January 11, 2007

The Decisive Moment

1. Choose the portrait you like the most, and write the photo number. #51

2. Briefly describe the photo. What is the CVI? Is it a formal portrait, an informal portrait, or something else?
Two little kids are on a bench and the little boy is going to kiss the girl. The two kids are the CVI. This is an environmental portrait because the kids are the center part but all around them is envirment.

3. Form- What are the major composition techniques used in this photo, and how are they used?
They use the rule of thirds and their butts are on the bottom thirds and their heads are in the center.

4. Content - What are the eye positions, and how does this affect the photo? Describe the lighting.
They're looking at eachother and don't even notice the camera so it shows that it was just captured. The lighting is kind of shadowing on them and around them is really bright. The tree is casting a shadow on them.

5. Expression- What is happening in this photo that makes this moment "decisive?"
The boy put his arm around her and is leaning in to kiss her and the girl is looking kind of embarrassed.

6. Read the caption, and explain one thing that is interesting about the person / scene.
There is not caption but it's interesting because they'r sitting under a tree and right as the boy is about to kiss her, the picture is taken.


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