Photo journalism

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Cover History

Early Magazine Covers didn't show what was going to be inside the magazine. It usually showed the table of contents and sometimes they'd put illustrations of books on the front page. Symbolism was used but it never gave all of the contents away.

The Poster Cover was engraved on the cover at first, then advanced into taking pictures. It was mainly just the picture with no words on the cover. They usually conveyed a certain mood. The picture said it all so there was no need for many headlines.

Pictures Married to Type relied on catchy titles to get a reader's attention and didn't worry about the picture so much. They'd place a model front and center of the cover and used her to cover up some letters and they'd use the text to put on the objects of the picture

In the Forest of Words cover lines and art were the most important thing. It got the reader to want to read it because it was so exciting. They placed half naked women on their to get more male readers and it made women want to look like the girls on the cover.


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