Photo journalism

Monday, October 23, 2006

Pulitzer prize winner

The person I'm researching Paul Vathis. He was born on October 18, 1925. He won the Pulitzer award in 1962. He was working for The Associated Press as a Wirephoto operator. Three years later, he became a full-time AP photographer. This is the photo that won him the award:

At first, his editors at The Associated Press rejected the picture because Vathis had photographed the two presidents from behind. "I remember the exact moment," he said. "I quickly raised my long lens and shot."

Vathis made this photo of state Treasurer R. Budd Dwyer as he held a pistol in his hand before committing suicide during a news conference in his State Capitol office

He was a photographer for 56 years and died when he was 77. He had a fierce dedication towards his job and the art of photography. He was said to have a "briliant eye" and cought history in action.


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