Photo journalism

Friday, October 27, 2006

Dove advertising

In the video, the extended her neck, made her eyes bigger, made her shoulders curve in more, they made her lips bigger, gave her bigger cheek bones and got rid of the shiny parts of her face. I don't think it's ethical when someone changes a picture this much because it looks nothing like them and it makes people feel they have to get at the level of looking like that. And that's impossible because no one looks like that. It also makes people feel bad about themselves because they don't look like fake models.
It's ok to fix up a picture but only to a certain extent. Like if someone takes glamour shots for like $200, they're expecting good quality and for them to look somewhat different. So it's alright to touch up things like zits and red areas of someone's face or fix any other bad spots. What makes this commercial wrong is they go in and change way too many things. There was nothing wrong with her eyes or her neck or lips but they still changed it to make it look better.

Monday, October 23, 2006

Pulitzer prize winner

The person I'm researching Paul Vathis. He was born on October 18, 1925. He won the Pulitzer award in 1962. He was working for The Associated Press as a Wirephoto operator. Three years later, he became a full-time AP photographer. This is the photo that won him the award:

At first, his editors at The Associated Press rejected the picture because Vathis had photographed the two presidents from behind. "I remember the exact moment," he said. "I quickly raised my long lens and shot."

Vathis made this photo of state Treasurer R. Budd Dwyer as he held a pistol in his hand before committing suicide during a news conference in his State Capitol office

He was a photographer for 56 years and died when he was 77. He had a fierce dedication towards his job and the art of photography. He was said to have a "briliant eye" and cought history in action.

Thursday, October 19, 2006


Paul Vathis


Originally uploaded by luv4bigtrucks247.

Monday, October 16, 2006

Best Academic shoot

Originally uploaded by luv4bigtrucks247.
I think this is one of my best shots because I didn't have too many that I liked. This has a good, short depth of field. He stands out from the background. The frame is filled and it's candid because he's not looking at me and he's doing what he was doing. In the top right hand corner, it's a little dark but that's not a major problem. Leading lines could possible an advanced technique in this because the guy he's sitting next to has lines going towards him and his arms are going towards him. Next time, I'll try and get more closer and more emotion and action.


Originally uploaded by luv4bigtrucks247.
I really like the colors and how the eggs kind of blend in with the background but then again, they pop out because they're different shapes. I think it's unique.

Friday, October 13, 2006

My computer number...


Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Academics Shoot Best and Worst

Originally uploaded by luv4bigtrucks247.
This is one of my worst shots because it's soft. It has a long depth of field and because of this, the whole picture is soft. The frame is filled, it shows action because she's writing and it's candid because she didn't notice the camera was there and went on doing her own thing. In the right hand corner, its over exposed because the backpack is blending in with everything next to it. This doesn't show any advanced techniques and that's why this is one of my worst ones. Next time, I will make sure that the lighting is good and make sure the camera's set on automatic and not 2,000. It also needs to have a higher shutter speed.

Light in photography

When a lot of light comes in the camera, it affects that object youre shooting. It does show as many details and it may be where you can hardly even see anything. The faster your shutter speed is, the less light gets in. More light creates a better depth of field.

When the light is soft, or difused, that's when light's spread out on an object and you can see more of it with soft shadows and the object is brighter. By getting this affect, it comes from indirect light. Hard, or direct light, comes from spot lights, stadiums and lights that are real bright. It's concentrated and the light comes directly from the source to the object. This gives the object hard shadows and may be hard to see.

Front light is for great details but bad for no background detail and doesn't show 3 dimensions very well. The side light is good for adding depth to something but it can make things mysterious, which can sometimes be good, and it doesn't show emotion and it's bad for getting details. The backlight is good because it can create siloutte if more light's coming from the background rather than it coming off the object. This can be bad for showing details, though.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

my first B&W print

My photo
Originally uploaded by luv4bigtrucks247.
I think this is a good picture because it shows that some people are struggling and it just caught things in action. I had to bend down to get eye-level with their arms. When I printed this, I must not of left them in the chemicals long enough because it came out spotty and it has a scratch on it. I like how I got some action with this when it's not showing any faces.

Monday, October 02, 2006

DON'T shoot below 60!!

Originally uploaded by luv4bigtrucks247.
The shutter speed was slow so when the cat moved, the picture came out blurry. It could have been below 60 so when they tried taking the picture their hand moved a little bit which caused the camera to move.