What is macro photography? Taking pictures of flowers outdoors
1. What's the main advantage of macro photography? Macro mode lets you get extremely close to your subject, usually in the range of 10-20 cm or less.
2. What are the limitations? The distance is real short so a lot of the picture is blurred.
3. What are the best lighting conditions for shooting flowers outside?The camera's aperture is so small in macro mode so it needs more time to take a picture. If the wind blows the flower you are photographing or your hand is unsteady, you will get a blurry picture
4. What are two things you can do to minimize the effects of the wind? Stand between the flower and the wind and then be patient.
5. What does the writer suggest for the numer of flowers to get in the frame? odd-numbered groupings work best: 3 or 5 flowers are more visually appealing that 2 or 4 flowers.
6. What are three things that might cast bad shadows? Standing over it, surrounding objects such as trees, other plants or buildings, and fences or lampposts
7. What are some of the advantages of using a tripod? A tripod steadies your camera and reduces the chance that you'll get a blurry image because of the longer exposure time required for macro photography
8. What's the main thing to avoid with the background? if the background is too similar in color and texture to the ground, your subject will have little visual appeal and will blend into its surroundings
9. What's the main idea of this section? learing how to get up close to flowers to take a good picture. Avoiding things that you usually don't have to do when your camera isn't on Marco mode
10. What might you want to do with a flower garden? flowerbeds in tended gardens have an additional charm of their own and you may want to switch from macro to landscape mode to get the "big picture"
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