Photo journalism

Thursday, August 31, 2006

Developing a negative

The developer makes the latent image appear. Time depends on what the temperature is. If it's colder than 68 degrees, you have to wait a few extra minutes but if it's warmer, you wait longer. You take the negative strip and wrap it in the wheel and the leave it in the fixer for about 15 seconds. You rinse it with water for 5 minutes then let it dry.

There's the developer which makes the image appear, the stop bath which stops developing process, the fixer makes image light proof, and the fixer remover rapidly removes fixer.

The tank has a lid that's chemical proof, the cap that's light proof, the center column, and the tank which holds everything together.

Friday, August 25, 2006

The Slr, shutter and lens

If you wanted to shoot a sprint at the track meet and your shutter speed was set at 60 you would want to leave it on 60 because anything lower would make it the picture soft.If you wanted to shoot outside on a bright, sunny day and you wanted to get as much stuff in focus as possible, you would want to use F22 because that's what you use when it's bright outside. It's like your pupil so it has to get smaller to adjust to the bright light.

The camera body

There's the main switch which controls the speed of the shutter, the shutter release button is what you take the picture with, LCD Panel shows the battery level and the flash, Shutter Dial changes the speed of how fast the shutter goes off, Shutter Dial lock button keeps the number in place and doesn't change, Hot shoe is when you put it on a tripod, and exposure compensation dial stays on 0.

How an image is formed

The camera obscura can not capture objects in movement and it can't focus in on things and have to get parts you may not want in the picture.

An emulsion is a solid that is stuck in some kind of liquid. Light colors come out dark on the negatives and dark colors come out light. The reason it does that is because when you take the picture the crystals bunch up real tightly when there is a light color and when there is a dark color the sort of spread out which causes it to be light.

Digital cameras and film cameras both have a series of lenses that focus light to create an image of a scene. But digitial cameras have a built-in computer and records images electronically.

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